17 Jul 2016

Milestone: A Vision Manifest

So, I decided it’s time to try implementing some cool gameplay feature. What to implement? Well, what’s the first thing a player in a multiplayer RPG does? Choose a race and class, that’s right.

Since I’m going with a classless system but also because I’m not quite sure how to do both race *and* class yet, and also because of the way Unreal Engine loads maps (if I were to load a new map on the server, all connected clients must load that map!), I decided to incorporate race-choosing into the actual gameplay of the player’s first steps in-game.

I’m totally inspired by an old text-based RPG standard, where you can do all sorts of cool adventure-game stuff like look at an object or *touch* it. In this case, “touching” the statue (walking up to it and walking away) transforms you into the race depicted.








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