Absolutely amazing performer, on the stage or in front of the camera. Moments stolen in between rehearsal and performance on tour in 2014 – no lights, no music – just a camera and a lady.
Nov 2014
Nov 2014
Free time is the best time, with Vanessa Hehn and Anatolie Ustimov of Moscow Ballet’s 2014 West Coast Great Russian Nutcracker tour. Shot at the beautiful Orpheum Theater in Sioux City, Iowa.
Nov 2014
Featuring Moscow Ballet’s 2014 cast, shot on location at the Orpheum Theater in Sioux City, Iowa. Kei Minoura and Viacheslav Katvanov.
Nov 2014
This winter I have the extraordinary opportunity to tour the west coast of the US and Canada as the official tour photographer, videographer, archivist (and salesman!) for Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker with Talmi Entertainment. Here are a handful of the photos they’ve published so far, but many more…